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OOLY Chroma Blends Mechanical Watercolor Pencils Package of 18

Ooly Chroma Blends Mechanical Watercolor Pencils - Product Spotlight

Have we mentioned that we love the items that we stock from Ooly??? 

The Ooly brand offers unique & fun products for arts & crafts projects as well as some amazing school & office supplies.  Their high-quality products promote creativity and self-expression for children of all ages.  We love offering Ooly products because there is something for everyone in this line.  Adults love them too!

One product in this line that we're extremely excited about is the Chroma Blends Mechanical Watercolor Pencils.  So that's a lot in just a single description right?  That's because they do a lot!  The fine tip of the mechanical pencil allows for a whole lot of control when you begin with a drawing....shading....blending...then you can leave the picture as it is or bring in some water with the provided paint brush.  Your drawn picture all of a sudden starts to become a watercolor!  Now, there are other watercolor pencils out there but they need to be sharpened.  Just a click of the end of the pencil and tada! you have more colored pencil to play with.

This package contains 18 Ahhh-Mazing Colors with a full pack of refills and a watercolor brush.

If you enjoy art, if you love creating art with your kids or just watching them let go and explore and develop some new & amazing skills, Ooly is the brand that brings the fun to life.  This is a perfect gift for someone who want to explore the world of watercolor through the familiarity of coloring.

For ages 6 and up.

OOLY is an American company based in Carlsbad, California and they are women-owned!

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